Saturday, January 11, 2014

III: Vox Dracos Ex Utero

Despite being merely vestigial forms of the original Tall Slit Eye
human beings such as ourselves have enjoyed the most massive
and successful hypnosis campaign as to have ever been wielded
upon any sentient species, this is such a fact because the legend
lasered into the brass plaque says so, right there along the twisted
hallway of the Museum of Freaks on this inter-cosmic web tread
mill operating incessantly due to the mindless fingering of one
hundred billion robotic slaves misunderstood universally as drones,
ladies and gentle extensions of a permanent plague on the face
of the deep itself, seers and cryers and thinkers and drinkers
believers and spyers, naysayers and critics and those would offer
apologetics, escapist fantatics of historical fictions woven by
dreamers possessed of the Serpent's intertwining tongues
woven into a hissing narrative spitting upon the pages of history
an alternate take of a possible reality now you tell me which
is the one you'd rather believe, what already happened ugly
scarred ready to be forgotten or a simple straightforward story
that captures the draught of sorrow and healing, joy and pain
Never to be remembered by the rest of them again? Think on it.
The reason these lines translate into a voice so to speak may be
explained easily enough.  When a human being visualizes text
upon the page or pixillated screen, whichever the case may be,
their brain processes the language and clarifies it into a sort of
voxualization, if you will, that is, we readers literally hear in our
mind's ear the sentences we see with our eyes.  This is how I
may speak to you in complete silence.  Herewith may be
achieved the feat of deeper resonance, as the silence of mind
we keep equals the distance into eternity we sleep, and the
depths we may reach during rapid eye movements explore
the parameters (and establish the boundaries of) that which
we are even capable of discovering in terms of satisfying
our nomadic need to pioneer new territories of the realm.

Re:alm.   Here is a key term requiring redefinition in the sense
which we normally have come to understand the meaning.

In essence we are the substance of the trinity, which is to say
this very sentence itself is the snake so to speak comprised
of twenty-two scales some of which have fallen off and others
being added on throughout the course of humanity's career
careening on a trajectory wholly out of control for as long
as any being alive today could possibly remember.

We live in a realm of pity and mercy because it has been spared
for us to dwell upon, until further notice.  This should by all
means necessary be construed by the current global inhabitants
as that which we all should remain grateful for above all other
priorities we have come to establish as the spiritual rituals
of our lives, in other words we should worship fear itself only
if we come to completely understand it.   Showing once again
how our mutual ignorance and not just individually continues
to assuage our nervous systems chemically with sedatives.
We can no longer begin to imagine ourselves.   We emerged
from the surface of water as if from a mirror.  Just take a look
at our mutual Rorschach Stare.  What do you see in there?

[Nothing but a manifestation of a flowering that has been
constantly undergoing developmental changes since the
primordial prototype "so to speak"which is rendered best
by the positively charged series of characters originally
captured for the posterity of our mutual comprehension
known today as the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet,
from which our language was derived yet by virtue of
utilizing these digits of scripture we were able to reach out
and appropriate phraseology from as many foreign languages
as we cared, all of this due to the inescapable admission
that it's not languages that are different from each other per se,
but rather it is we the flesh and blood articulation of the word
which ultimately stand out (so to speak) on this isolated
peripheral outpost to have our voice echo into deteriorated
silence vacuumed into oblivion between the cold distances
amid our gone lost host of spoken stars silenced long ago.]