Sunday, December 22, 2013

II: Halos Spit Shocked

Electroplasmic smoke rings we slowly shed by twirling our heads
and relaxing drift away and evaporate with an electric crackle
sounding faintly beneath layers of fleshy tissue like a bug zapper,
something once referred to in various  different sets of terminologies,
from yoga to zen meditation, as a practice where you shift gears
and get to the drift of the sake of the center of nonbeing itself,
what a relief from sensation, is that our ultimate destination and
how long will it wait?  I have other things to contemplate.
Like how to stay alive for as many generations as possible
helping my kid's generation get through to the next level
of human progress, shedding coils of psycho electric internal
lightning has purified any voltage I may have left behind from
immersion.  Of course the Other Side is incomparably and
indecipherably nontransmutagenic, that is to say incapable
of remaining in any way sustainable according to our mortal
scale of comprehension.

There happen to exist psychic depths past which any undiscovered
deep dwelling species may venture, presumably elder survivors
from pre archaic aeons yet to venture forth from their hidden
sleep deep underneath the blankets of cold waters we hold with
our somewhat febrile awe as those of the pacific and atlantic
and indeed, all such oceans in between together interlacing
to form our great planet's salt rich water supply coruscating
from the deepest oceanic trenches yet to be fully explored
by an unsuspecting humanity have harbored that evolved
intelligence awaiting beneath and so very much more advanced
than we could possibly have anticipated, is a matter of much
amusement for future generations of onlookers surpassing
in every way that most ancient and ever lasting luck of the
forgotten gods the primavera nocturna, that is the nocturnal
spring, which is to suggest the ever continuing revolution
we who dwell on solid land have taken for granted as merely
day and night, and by which yet remains almost dissipated
entirely but for several evaporating droplets containing within
themselves a teeming utopia of sub-molecular organisms inter-
dependent of one another trapped in their limited vacuole of
cramped atmospheric regulation generated by automatonic
responses long ago programmed into each and every one of
us involved in the process of handing down for the next carrier
the written expression of documenting our mutual feelings as to
how this transmutational orthodoxy maintained evolutionary
dominance in a rapidly expanding world of interleaved national
conflicts pressing collateral issues to trigger new and unexpected
reactions becoming gelled into the super-static electronic layout
of our commodity exchanged virtual reality real estate bonds
certification documenting and insuring our citizenship by
establishing a mutually declared Actualization cross-authorized
by higher level administrative personnel and up, and who have
somehow set it so that if you or anyone you know is reading this
far auto-magically it triggers consent and personal authorization
into the permanent digital hard driven record filed in unalterable
lock down to be used against you in a future court of law
to be determined randomly by computer when time has run
out it's preprogrammed due course (established in 'Nineteen
from Googlobe associates, Inc.) all due repercussions as well
as insufferable slightest suggestions otherwise to the pre-
Established condition of effortless living become banded by
committee until we unprofesorially agree to dictate a response
written on behalf of educators everywhere, expressly forbidding
having endured the alteration of a past which never begot
a single dew drop of one invisible human soldier replicated
by millions in a down pour of humanitarian storming the
likes we have never possibly seen since our inceptions here?
You do realize this is something we have together found serious,
and yes it should go without recording reading this far, auto-win.

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